Recently, Xiaomi launched MI 11 Pro, Mi 11 Ultra and other 11 Series Smartphones Globally. These smartphone have flagship specs and latest software based on MIUI 12. Xiaomi also added New Wallpapers in those smartphones. If you want to try out MI 11 Pro and Ultra Wallpapers in your android phone. Here is a trick to do it.
Xiaomi announced MI 11 Pro and MI 11 Ultra on march 29 Globally. Both smartphones have Quad HD 120Hz Amoled Screen, Snapdragon 888 5G Processor, 5000mAh Battery and Comes with Android 11 Based on MIUI 12.5 out the box.
Xiaomi added some new stock wallpapers in MI 11 Pro and MI 11 Ultra to make it look different than other MI Smartphones. I have tried these wallpapers and It looks astonishing in any smartphone. If you want to Download MI 11 Pro and Ultra Wallpapers on your android phone. Follow below.
1. MI 11 Pro and Ultra Wallpapers Zip File – Download Here. (Credit – Equalleaks)
2. Zip File Extractor (Ignore if already have).
3. Google Wallpapers to Install wallpapers in the right way.
4. Internet Connection.
Download MI 11 Pro and Ultra Wallpapers in any android phone
1 . First of all, Download all files from above.
2. Copy and Paste MI 11 Pro and Ultra wallpapers zip file in your phone.
3. Extract it into a new folder.
4. You will see Different Folders like Mars, Natural, Black and White, etc.
5. Open Google wallpapers and Select your Own wallpaper.
6. In File manager, Go to same folder and Apply your favorite one.
7. Now, Enjoy installing wallpapers in your smartphone.
Note: Every Wallpaper has 5-6 Different types. These are designed for the morning, afternoon, evening, night, etc. You can install it based on different times.
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